Chiropractic Pain Relief in Charlotte

Pain Specialist in Dilworth & Matthews, NC

woman getting her back adjusted
Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic Care

No matter your condition, symptoms, age, or lifestyle, everyone can benefit from chiropractic attention. Both Dr. Mozingo and the team at Chiropractic Health of Charlotte are committed to giving our patients the best possible care each time you visit our clinic.

Chiropractic Treatment

back with acupuncture needles


Our highly trained and professional acupuncturists at Chiropractic Health of Charlotte will work with you to balance your Qi (Chi), or energy within the body to get you feeling your best.

Acupuncture Treatment

woman sitting down relaxing
Integrative Medicine

Integrative Medicine

Integrative medicine places emphasis on the relationship between practitioner and patient, and in our case, chiropractor and patient. We focus on the whole health history and condition of an individual before prescribing any kind of care.

What is Integrative Treatment?

Knee Decompression

Knee Decompression

Chronic knee pain can significantly impact one’s quality of life, making even simple tasks a challenge. At Chiropractic Health of Charlotte, we take pride in offering an innovative solution to address chronic knee pain through the Knee On Trac system.

Knee Decompression

spinal decompression therapy
Spinal Decompression

Spinal Decompression

Back pain and neck pain are symptoms that plague many individuals. At Chiropractic Health of Charlotte, we offer nonsurgical treatments like spinal decompression therapy to relieve pressure and pain.

Spinal Decompression

Y-strap tool
Y-Strap™ Spinal Decompression

Y-Strap™ Spinal Decompression

Y-Strap™ is a decompression tool used to stretch the back to release pressure from the vertebrae along the spine from top to bottom.

Y-Strap™ Spinal Decompression

woman with whiplash after an accident


One of the most common injuries resulting from an automotive accident, among other causes, is whiplash. Dr. Mozingo can treat whiplash without using medication or resorting to surgery. Read below to see if your symptoms align with a whiplash injury.

Whiplash Treatment